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evaporation pad

When your sweat dries, the urge to feel cooler has ever crossed you. This occurs due to the process of evaporation, whereby heat is removed from your body. We can use the concept of evaporation for keeping our homes or offices cool as well and this is where evaporative pads come in handy!

Evaporation pads are tools created using a unique substance that absorbs water. The pads are manufactured in such a way that can hold the water and then release it to the opening where it gets evaporated into the air. When hot, dry air comes into contact with the pads, water in them evaporates and turns into vapor. It cools the air down. This chilled air that comes from the pads is then sent to the room, and it makes the place a much cooler place inside.

    The Science Behind Evaporation Pads for Humidification

    Another concept we all have heard of is humidity, which tells us how moist the air around us and this are related to what drives evaporation. It has a lot to do with how comfortable we are at home or outdoors. Low humidity levels can cause the skin to become itchy, and may sometimes result in nosebleeds. If it gets too humid, on the other hand, we can start feeling sticky and more uncomfortable which no one appreciates.

    Operations side: By using the evaporation pads — this will aid in adding moisture to the air as well. This is known as humidification. This adds moisture to nearly any environment as dry air is pulled through these pads of water and the water evaporates into this "rushing" (in regards to its speed) stream. This is fantastic, especially in the winter when outside air can be SUPER dry. Evaporation pads can help us bring more pleasant and comfortable conditions inside the home.

    Why choose YuyunSanhe evaporation pad?

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