Chickens require healthy, clear air for their health and well-being. When many chickens live in a small space, such as a chicken house, the air can become dirty, stale, and smelly. This can cause chickens to become unwell and prevent them from laying eggs.
A chicken house can be cleaned from its polluted air by a special machine called the exhaust fan. “The fan acts as a huge breath, sucking out the bad air, and allowing fresh, clean air to flow in.” This makes it easier for chickens to breathe and be healthy.
Inside a chicken house, the air gets trapped and filled with not-so-good stuff. Chicken poop, dust, and other gros things may make the air harder to breathe. Without the wind, chickens can get sluggish and feel bad. The exhaust fan is like the helper that pushes the bad air out to where it belongs, while bringing fresh air in.
Moist and humid air is another concern in the poultry housing. Air that is too wet can make chickens cold, and encourages bad germs to thrive. The exhaust fan helps ventilate the house by removing moisture from the walls and ceiling panels and allowing the walls to stay clean and dry, along with the air in the chicken house. Chickens have better health and lay more eggs when they have clean, dry air.
Hen keepers, farmers, and anyone who cares for chickens can use an exhaust fan to create a happy, healthy space for their feathered families. For example, clean air means happy chickens that grow big and lay lots of eggs!