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brown out

Ever had the lights in your house flicker or dim for a second? That’s called a brown out! They occur whenever power is not reaching your plugs. Some reasons this can happen and may become annoying in your everyday life. It can even interrupt things you are doing (TV shows, using your computer etc.

    The Lowdown on Brown O

    Brown outs may occur on dangerously hot days when a large number of people is using air conditioning units during the same period. During the hot months, most homes and buildings have their air conditioners on to keep cool. This requires more electricity and the power company may not be able to supply all that. Large events (example: concerts or sports games) causing an impact on the Grid, even a brown out? Consider the number of people who can be expected to watch a ballgame or listen to music at a concert!

    Why choose YuyunSanhe brown out?

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