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Have you noticed your chickens becoming lethargic in the warm weather? A fan could even be a really wise investment for your farm! A fan will help your birds feel cooler and avoid heat stroke. Learn How A Fan Can Keep Chickens Happy and Healthy

Most animals, humans included for some of us humanoids; do like to get too hot (NBHD). This can make them very uncomfortable, and possibly sick if taken to the extreme. When you exhibit this condition, that is heat stress. When chickens are stressed from the heat, they have difficulty laying eggs at their normal rate and health issues can follow.

    The Ultimate Solution to Poultry Farm Heat Stress

    Fans are an excellent choice to help keep your chickens cool in the hot weather. A poultry farm fan can improve air circulation and decrease their room temperature. This is super handy for all those hot summers. If you set one up correctly, a fan can generate an enjoyable breeze that will help your chickens feel better and have some nice calming chicken mood.

    A strong fan can do wonders! Having a good fan that really moves the air will make your chickens feel cooler almost immediately. Some of the biggest contributors to heat stress are foods eaten just prior; so this step starts preventing heat stress before it even begins. Also a good fan can eliminate dank odours and freshen the air in your chicken house. Birds Need Fresh Air

    Why choose YuyunSanhe poultry farm fan?

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